This post is way past due, but for all you still reading this blog I figured I should catch you up with what is currently happening. First of all I must say is taking quite some time to get developed. I have recently found some help from my good friend Nicole; hoping she can speed things up a bit for me. For now I will just keep updating this blog from time to time until is live.
Anyways lets talk about something a little more interesting. I recently came upon a website This website is dedicated to develop basic gymnastic strength and ultimately elite gymnast strength. It is basically a gigantic forum were people and coaches have gathered together and shared information regarding training methods, warm ups, mobility drills, things of that nature. Since my back was giving me problems lately I decided I would take a few weeks off completely from training then give this basic gymnastics strength training program a go. From my experience thus far using the basic gymnast strength routine I quickly discovered my weaknesses. 
The routine is as follows:
60 sec plank
60 sec reverse plank
60 sec parallette grip hold
60 sec pull-up grip hold
60 sec hollow body hold
60 sec superman hold
The ultimate goal here is to develop a solid base to build off. Have you ever seen a gymnast hold an iron cross? They have the ability to hold these incredible positions without even flinching. From performing this basic routine listed above I still find myself shaking uncontrollably during most of the holds. Once I am able to hold all of these positions easily I will move onto more challenging things while turning this routine into a warm-up.

I found a park about 15 minutes away from my apartment which has some outdoor workout equipment. I ride my bike to this park most nights of the week to perform my gymnastic strength routine, using the bike ride over there as sort of a aerobic/anaerobic workout. The ride over there consists of uphills and downhills which I take advantage of by sprinting up the uphills and bombing the downhills, it is awesome. Just the other day on my way back from the park I found myself riding with a group of at least 15 other bikers. It is just so neat to see all these people riding there bikes all around Vancouver, it is definitely something you do not see often in Florida. Anyways, the ride back to my apartment ended up turning into a race between me and a few other bikers. I was hauling butt on the way back when some chick blew by me, of course I jumped at the opportunity of trying to catch her. Remember I am on a fixed gear bike with a flip-flop wheel, meaning it has one gear but the rear wheel spins freely. So basically you can only go as fast as your legs will peddle, no jumping to a bigger gear going down a hill or a smaller one when going up hill, it is what makes this a good workout. So here we are me and this chick blowing down this dedicated bike street weaving in and out of other bikers and the occasional car, it was so awesome. I love that excitement that gets your heart beating and blood pumping. If your still wondering, I caught her and passed her, hah. By the time I got back to the apartment my legs were fried. Who says a gym is the only place to workout anyways?
There is one last thing, if your still reading, haha. My sister is in a competition, The “Face of City Slickers Western Wear” Contest. So if you would click on the LINK HERE and “Like” my sisters picture (it’s all through, just click on the thumbs up icon below the picture description, she needs as many “Likes” as she can get. Thank you in advance from my sister Bree and I.
Stay Tuned,

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