Hey everyone, I know I have not been posting much about what is going on here in Vancouver lately. I have just been so busy with school, the gym, my website, etc. So let me catch you all up.

I have recently purchased a website domain name of wipfit.net. Now I am not going to give all the details away right now about the website, I have quite a few ideas that I really hope are going to spark some interest throughout the crossfit community and especially Real Fitness. So stay tuned, the blog will also be moved to the website once it is finished.

What else, lets see… So lets talk about the whole reason I am up here in the first place. As most of you know I am in Vancouver interning at a crossfit gym here in hopes of learning their business model and obviously how to be a better trainer. This weekend I am attending what they call the “Executive Diploma Program.” This is a program developed to aid other box owners or future owners in the ideas of business and how to run a successful gym. I am learning tons of stuff up here and I am also getting a feel for how I want my gym to be run some day.

My roomate Dan and I recently purchased a quarter of a cow (rail weight = 150lbs) which after being de-boned and prepared our portion of cuts totaled about 110lbs. Dan also bought a turkey, some pork, and even some chicken, he went all out. If you guys don’t know purchasing a grass fed cow such as we did is tremendously cheaper per pound than buying from the store. If your interested I suggest looking around on google, I am sure any of you guys could find a group of people that would want to split the cost of a whole cow or even a smaller portion. Another discovery of mine was buying coconut oil in the gallons. I don’t know about all of you but I smash that stuff like its candy (I cook using a lot). I spend more money on cooking oils than I do on food, gotta have your fat, right? Any ways check out some of the differnet brands here.

Love Ya,

2 responses »

  1. Rich says:

    I'm looking forward to your web page.

  2. zanette says:

    making power moves…I like it

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